Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Setting SMART Goals

Today we set up our GEAR Binders and made SMART goals. We discussed how we needed to 'Start with the end in mind' and 'Make a plan' when setting goals. The students did a great job!

You can get this awesome SMART goal flipbook here.

We went over what a SMART goal was. When making goals, it's important that the students follow this criteria, otherwise it's hard to see when and if they've met their goals.

After discussing the different criteria for a SMART goal, we talked about what a goal was vs. a dream. The students then brainstormed different goals they would like to have this year and exaggerated their goal to make it a dream. We discussed how goals needed to be realistic so they are achievable.

The students then picked on goal they would like to focus on. We discussed how it needed to be a measurable goal and needed to have a time for when they will meet their goal.

We are learning about the 7 Habits by Sean Covey in our school. The students then came up with a plan (Habit 3) so that they know how to meet their goal. We discussed how when making a plan, you need to decide on what you are going to "let go" of in your life to make time to take the steps necessary to meet your goal. To introduce how to do this, we used a suitcase with several different types of clothes in it. There were summer clothes and winter clothes. I told the students that we were going on a vacation to go skiing and that we were only able to bring 5 articles of clothing. We decided on what would be the most appropriate clothes for us and why. We talked about how some things we would like to bring, but aren't as important as others, just like when making goals. We need to prioritize certain things in life so that we become successful people and the best we can be!

The students then drew a picture of them achieving their goal. You can do it!

Each student then chose a "Goal Buddy". They shared their goal with them. This person will check in on their friend throughout the year to see if they are being successful and following the plan they came up with. This is their accountability buddy. :)

The students made GEAR binders to keep track of their progress towards specific goals. This is where they will keep their data for Reading, Math, AR, etc. We will be adding to this throughout the year. These binders will be used for their student lead conferences with their parents at the end of the year. The parents will be able to see what goals their child has set for themselves and see the progress they've made towards those goals.

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